The Coriolis Effect

Nov 02, 2020 07:18

Art Title: It's Complicated
Prompt Number: S2000
Artist: jdl71

Fic Title: The Coriolis Effect
Author: firesign10
Fandom/Genre: SPN
Pairing(s): Sam/Dean Winchester
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 7,726
Warnings: Car Accidents, Hurt Dean, Injured Dean, Amnesiac Dean, Caring Sam, Bobby Singer's house, Parental Bobby Singer, Curtain Fic, Pining, Mutual Pining
Summary: Dean awakes from being in a coma after being in a car accident. He sees Sam sitting by his bedside and reaches out to him. He knows who he is and he remembers Sam, but he has no memory of Sam being his brother and thinks they are a married couple. Sam is stunned by Dean’s revelation that he thinks they’re more than just brothers and has no idea how to react to this since it’s his deepest desire coming true.

Art Link(s): AO3

Fic Link(s): AO3

word count: 6000 - 8000, challenge: 2020, rating: r, genre: spn, medium: digital miscellaneous, pairing: sam/dean

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