Restoring the Balance (NC-17, J2 AU)

Nov 27, 2019 09:48

Art Title: Elementals
Prompt Number: E3004
Artist: mangacat201

Fic Title: Restoring the Balance
Author: zubeneschamali
Fandom/Genre: RPS, urban fantasy/magic
Pairing(s): J2, D/G, hints of J/J/D/G
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,499
Warnings: none
Summary: Jared grew up feeling like something was always missing from his life. When he finally finds what he's been searching for, three friends and the perfect place to live, he thinks he's set. But then he and his friends start falling ill, and they discover that it has to do with who-and what-they all are.

Art Link(s): LJ
Fic Link(s): LJ | AO3 (include all that apply)

word count: 6000 - 8000, pairing: jared/jensen, pairing: femmeslash, challenge: 2019, rating: nc17

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