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ash48 April 1 2016, 10:04:52 UTC
I'll start the ball rolling!

I absolutely loved that ep! Not only was it brother centric it featured some hurt and kickass Winchesters. I even got to see the thing I have by wanting to see FOREVER! Their first aid kit! <33 I can't believe we also got a bullet removal scene!? Did we die and go to Winchester heaven?!

I'm going to post a request for a little fic. Something I thought of when I was thinking about the first aid kit. That kit must have seen many things. It's been on quite a journey. I know this sounds kinda weird but I'd love to know what it's seen. First aid kit PoV maybe??

Something else that would be awesome is some icons. Maybe something we can share with hurt!Sam fans?


madebyme_x April 1 2016, 14:50:55 UTC
YES THE FIRST AID KIT!!!! I squeed hard when I saw it, and in all its battered glory!!! It really must have seen some sights and I love the idea of a first aid kit pov.


ash48 April 1 2016, 16:23:09 UTC
I've had it on my wish list to see since forever! I'm so glad we finally got to see what they must carry around with them to every hunt. Imagine the hurt that box would witness!


first aid kit fic! crowroad3 April 1 2016, 23:29:09 UTC
First aid kit fic! You inspired me: Cross
(warnings: spoilers 11x17, blood, illness, trauma natural and supernatural)


Re: first aid kit fic! ash48 April 2 2016, 05:40:21 UTC
Yay!!! Thank you so much! It's wonderful! <333


Re: first aid kit fic! crowroad3 April 2 2016, 06:02:01 UTC
Glad you like! Great ep; great prompt! <3


RE: first aid kit fic! madebyme_x April 3 2016, 15:44:57 UTC
So happy to see a fill for this! ♥


Re: first aid kit fic! crowroad3 April 4 2016, 04:05:58 UTC
<3! So much potential in this ep!


ext_3528547 April 1 2016, 20:37:55 UTC
This ep was everything I want Sam and Dean to be! Remember how i quit watching mid s8 because of the way they were miswriting Sam and Dean and I caught up again this year thanks to you? I AM SO GLAD I DID!!!!! THANK YOU!

I don't have any words to express what this ep did to me so I'm just going to read all the posts and squee quietly to myself. I do want to mention that moment when Dean is dead and the Reaper tells him Sam is alive. And it's like MY SAMMY'S ALIVE?!?! *immediately jumps back into body and comes back to life*

And the first aid kit! I didn't even know how badly I wanted to see that until I did! Great idea for a Red Violin type of fic.


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