Supernatural Kink Meme Part 1

Oct 20, 2010 17:27

Supernatural Kink Meme
New Season. New meme.

01. You may post your requests whether you are signed in or not. If you post your fill in a separate journal, please give the link to the one who requested the fic. Don't worry about warning for ratings, because this community is a kink community and will have adult concepts.
02. NO DRABBLES ( Read more... )

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Dean/Gabriel - "Shut Your Cake-Hole" II amethystangel42 January 21 2011, 16:19:59 UTC
That was the last straw. Before Dean could so much as blink, something akin to a cement block (which was actually Gabriel’s fist) slammed into his jaw, and he flew back a good few feet before landing on his ass, the impact knocking the air out of his lungs. He managed to get one pain-filled curse out before there were lips crashing against his. It took a few seconds, but it suddenly registered in his mind that Gabriel was kissing him.

And he didn’t really mind.

There were teeth gnawing harshly at his lips, and he parted them to allow a persistent tongue inside his mouth. The kiss was hot and desperate, with more anger than pleasure behind it. But Dean didn’t mind, because Gabriel was kissing him, and fuck, the things he could do with his tongue were incredible.

It ended all too soon, in his opinion, and when he finally re-opened his eyes, he was met with Gabriel’s hard glare. In their closeness (when the hell had Gabriel gotten into his lap, anyway?) Dean could see the way the archangel’s hazel eyes practically smoldered when he was angry. He felt that he should be afraid, but he was more intrigued than anything. Angels always seemed to have pretty eyes.

Gabriel scoffed, like he’d heard Dean’s thoughts. Hell, he probably had. But he made no further comment on it, instead choosing to say, “You really need to learn when to shut the hell up, Winchester.”

“I think I like it more if you do it for me.” Dean countered lamely.

Gabriel smirked, and with a roll of his eyes, he pressed another, less demanding kiss to Dean’s lips.

“I believe that can be arranged.”


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