Supernatural Kink Meme Part 1

Oct 20, 2010 17:27

Supernatural Kink Meme
New Season. New meme.

01. You may post your requests whether you are signed in or not. If you post your fill in a separate journal, please give the link to the one who requested the fic. Don't worry about warning for ratings, because this community is a kink community and will have adult concepts.
02. NO DRABBLES ( Read more... )

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Filled: Sam/Dean, MPreg, Deal -- Part 4/4 anonymous November 28 2010, 00:03:39 UTC
Sam had done his research. He knew what to expect more or less. For a while, he thought it might be ok. It didn't hurt so bad. He fingered himself to see if Dean had been right about how he'd deliver. He was dilating. The websites all said you had to come up with a birthing plan. Sam had in a way, but they all involved Dean being here.

“D-Dean...Please come back. I'm...The baby's coming now,” Sam said into his cell in the midst of a contraction. They were getting worse. Dean hadn't answered his phone which didn't bode well.

Sam cried out from a bad contraction, balling the sheet up in his fists. He was scared someone might here him and come check on him. His hole was stretching as time went by, but not very much and not very quickly. Three hours passed with pain getting worse, the contractions more intense, but little else changing. Pacing around the room helped a little and he even took a shower like the websites said, but he needed Dean. By the time midnight rolled around, Sam had already been in labor for eight hours. Dean burst through the door looking panic stricken as he came to his brother's side.

“It's ok...It's ok...I'm here now,” Dean had left his phone in the car when he finally tracked the thing he was looking for down. He couldn't afford to be distracted. If he'd known...

“It hurts,” Sam forced out through a contraction. Dean pushed sweaty pieces of hair away from his forehead. “They're getting really close.”

Dean slipped his fingers inside of Sam. He was spread wide open more so than he ever had been before. Sam grunted and moaned, pulling away from Dean.

“What? What?” Dean demanded at a lost.

“Gotta push,” Sam said realizing he was finally moving into hard labor. He took Dean's hand, bearing down hard as a contraction hit. He did it again and again. Dean was unsure what else to do. He wasn't even sure this was doing anything. “Oh god...I can't do this...” Sam whimpered.

“Yes, you can. You're doing fine. Push, Sammy, push.”

Instinct took over and Sam shifted positions a few times, at one point getting off the bed entirely and squatting. He was on all fours on the bed when the baby started crowning. Dean felt relief sweep through him as he eased the baby out. Sam collapsed on the bed.

“Sammy, it's a girl. We have a baby girl.”

They wished they could take the baby to the hospital, but everything seemed fine. Sam took the bundled up baby from Dean tentatively listening as Dean told him how to hold her. The baby started to suckle almost as soon as she found Sammy's nipple.

“Shit, that's weird,” Sam muttered, though he didn't really seem to mind.

“We're going to have to be careful in public about that,” Dean mused absently. He ruffled Sammy's hair. “You did it.”

“Yeah, I did...” Sam smiled at Dean. He'd saved his brother and now they had the family they always should have had.


Re: Filled: Sam/Dean, MPreg, Deal -- Part 4/4 brianshanelvr November 28 2010, 10:40:24 UTC
Omgosh! I mean... that was EVERYTHING I wanted! I couldn't be more happy with it! xD It's like, the perfect Christmas gift!


Re: Filled: Sam/Dean, MPreg, Deal -- Part 4/4 awen_1 November 7 2011, 21:22:22 UTC
Oh this was great! Loved it!


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