Gift for emberthrace

Dec 21, 2019 17:20

Title: The Power of Two
Gifted: emberthrace
Pairing/Characters: Jared/Jensen
Word count: 9,000 +
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Switching, anal sex, blow jobs, swearing, lots of magic, fantasy AU
Summary: In which Jared is very witchy and Jensen is very flirty. That’s it. That’s the story. Well, there is a bad guy. But mainly it’s about Jared being witchy and Jensen being flirty. And sometimes Jensen is a cat

Comments This was based on your prompt with witch!Jared and familiar!Jensen with a smidge of the Jared’s eyes turn based on what he is feeling prompt thrown in (that prompt was actually for Sam but I hope Jared is okay). I loved writing this, I hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas! Fic can be found here.
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