Gift for non_tiembo_mala

Dec 23, 2017 18:17

Title: Deep and Crisp and Even
Gifter: Dancing_Adrift
Pairing/Characters: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jared Padalecki
Word count: ~17K
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Warnings: None
Summary: Jeffrey Dean Morgan wasn't a man to be tied down by material things. While filming The Walking Dead, he had his bike and his buddies to fill his free time. When he could get away, he had his animals at his farm in upstate New York. And whenever their hectic schedules aligned, he had his boys.

Jared and Jensen had hit it off with Jeff their first day together on Supernatural, and that connection continued off set - right into the bedroom. When Jeff left Vancouver, he also left the boys - on good terms - and Jared and Jensen had happily maintained their own relationship as a couple. The three still got together whenever they could though, and this time, the boys were headed to NY to spend Christmas weekend with Jeff at his farm.

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