Gift for Visionshadows

Dec 09, 2011 11:14

Title: Sometimes hunters fall in love with angels
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam, Bobby. Mention of John Winchester.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Spoilers/Timeline: Set sometime in Season 5.
Word Count: 1040
Summary: In this line of business sometimes hunters fall in love with other hunters. Male or female. And now I guess sometimes hunters fall in love with angels.
Authors Note: visionshadows asked for Dean/Cas from Bobby's POV. I hope you like it hun! Merry Christmas!!!

I knew John Winchester a long time.

He was stubborn. Arrogant. Pig headed. A real pain in my ass and the ass of every other hunter he ever crossed paths with. But he was damn good at the job. And he raised his two boys to be damn good at the job too.

John Winchester may have been many things but the thing he was first and foremost, no matter what it looked like the outside world, his sons and even me sometimes, was a father.

He raised Sam and Dean to be loyal and strong not only to the job but to each other. They were taught to trust each other above all else and their allies. Nothing would ever come between them. Nothing could ever tear them apart. They had the means and the lessons to rise above time and time again. They never made real friends and never even settled down in one place long enough to have valid real relationships; romantic or other wise.

Then the angel came along.

And everything changed.

Castiel became ‘Cas’. Dean began caring about what Castiel thought. And then Sam began to cause well, Dean did. And to Sam that was always a good enough reason in his book.

Castiel was a fumble of awkwardness and uncertainty. He was almost kindred to Dean and Sam in a way; never really knowing where he fit in. Never knowing if the decisions he made from one moment to other were right. All he knew was he was stead fast on his loyalty to the Winchesters.

And to me.

And Dean returned the favor to Castiel time and time again.

What Dean didn’t know; what I saw from the beginning and Sam also saw but would never dare mention it; was that Dean, no matter how you sliced it, loved Castiel. That kind of loyalty and devotion can only be mustered when real love is at stake. The kind you feel for a brother. For family.

And for someone you would die for.

Sure on the battlefield Dean and Castiel had taken stab wounds to the gut and dodged bullets for one another. Castiel disobeyed orders from his brothers and Dean his, just to stay one another’s sides. Dean would say it was just for the ‘good fight’, but I knew better.

But there are moments, moments Dean or Castiel don’t know I see. When Castiel pops in to make sure Dean is ‘alright’. Dean will ask if Castiel has any news, knowing damn good and well he doesn’t. It’s just to talk. Cause Dean just wants to talk to him.

And I walk out of the room because if the conversation doesn’t pertain to the apocalypse or something I can put my hands into and help with, than I have no business being there. Sam will eye me, and he too will remove himself not only from the room and conversation.

But then I see them. Standing so close to each other that to a normal person would be considered too close. And at first it used to bother Dean. Now I can tell Dean almost…needs him that close. Because if Castiel isn’t standing close enough, Dean finds a way to become that close to him.

There’s simple moments. Moments that make things more clear than they have ever been.

Dean would always be living and dying for Sam.

But now Dean’s found something more…profound so to speak, to live or die for.

Dean reaches up, touching a small cut next to Castiel’s eye. “What happened?”

Castiel mimics Dean’s movement, his finger grazing Dean’s. “Oh.” He shakes his head. “Some places I am searching for God in are not the safest.”

“But you’re an angel.” Dean half-jokes, smirking. But his eyes show concern.

Castiel’s expression remains the same, but he keeps his fingers rested on Dean’s. “I’m slowly losing what ever power I had left, Dean. Soon I will be pointless.”

Dean winces a little and both of their hands lower, their fingers still linked. “Not in a million years could you ever be pointless, Cas.”

But Dean will protest that he cares about Cas in the same exact way he cares for Sam. Its blood. It’s family.

But that boy isn’t fooling anyone. Especially not me. Someone who’s been around a long time. And has seen a lot of things. I’ve seen death and birth. Pure evil at the gates of hell. And pure innocence in good in they eyes of the woman I married.

And the way those two look at each other…

And I know what some could say. How could a human, man no less, fall in love with an angel? In a man’s vessel also no less. But hey, I’ve seen weirder things. Heard of things way more distasteful and disturbing.

In this line of business sometimes hunters fall in love with other hunters. Male or female. And now I guess sometimes hunters fall in love with angels.

I set my beer down on the kitchen counter and give Sam a look as he sits his over sized body at my table. He’s hunched over some book, trying like hell to find answers to questions we don’t even know yet.

“Where’s your brother?” I ask. Sam doesn’t look up, just turns the next page and continues to rub his forehead, deep in thought.

“Outside. With Cas.”

I nod and turn to look out the small window over the sink. Out in the yard, leaning against the passenger side of the Impala is Dean. Cas is standing, again, too close for any normal person to handle. Dean doesn’t care. His hand reaches out gently, brushing Castiel’s hair off his forehead. Castiel’s eyes slide shut every so softly and a look of pure calm washes over his face.

A breeze picks up and the angel’s coat whips in the wind. Leaves twirl around their feet in the dirt. The world is spinning around them but they don’t notice. They get a few mere moments of peace at a time like this; just standing in front of each other.

My boys deserve to be happy. God damn, they deserve it.

And who am I to judge? They’re both just idjits anyways.
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