A while ago, I promised you a comment-fic-meme as soon as we reached 100 members. And here it is!
Teh Rulez
01. Comment to this post with your prompt and desired pairing(s). Be as specific or unspecific as you like.
For example: "Sam, Dean (gen): hypothermia" or "Jared/Jensen: Jared gets hurt on set, Rating: at least R" or "Dean/Castiel: Castiel
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Part 2
The next morning, John allowed Sam to sleep as long as his body needed. He had cereal and milk on hand, and planned to go for a few other things if Sammy was feeling a bit better. He also found the thermometer, and called himself a few choice names for not taking Sam's temperature the night before. There wasn't much children's tylenol left, so he added it to the list just ask Sam walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, Sammy!" John said with a smile. "Feeling any better this morning?"
Sam shook his head and kept rubbing his eyes with his closed fists. He seemed to have a permanent pout on his face and looked awfully close to breaking into tears. John knew that feeling. Fevers were a bitch to deal with for grown men, much less a kid missing his brother on top of it.
"Come on, Sammy. Let's take your temp and get some food into you."
John steered Sam over to a chair at the table and made him sit. He was surprisingly compliant with the thermometer but laid his head down on the table at the mention of cereal. His temperature was over a hundred, but not dangerously high. Still, some tylenol would help and would be best with food.
"Is there anything else you feel like eating? You need to have something, kiddo."
"Applesauce?" Sam whispered.
Damn, John thought. He didn't remember seeing applesauce in his check of the cupboards.
"I'm sorry, buddy, I don't think we have any."
"Dean gets it for me. Sometimes he puts cinnamon in it."
Clearly, cinnamon is a prize worthy of special occasions and sick days. John had no idea that either of his boys liked applesauce. It had been one of Mary's favorites, too.
"Here's the plan," John said, and Sam paid a little more attention. "I'm going to call in an order to the store. You get cleaned up and dressed, and we'll go pick up our order. Then we come back here and watch cartoons all day. How does that sound?"
"I have to go outside?"
"Just for a little while."
Sam sighed and nodded. He didn't say it, but it was obvious that Dean would never make him do such a thing.
"Have a piece of toast first and a glass of water. And take your medicine."
When it looked like Sam was going to muster up energy for an argument, John changed tracks.
"Do you want to look over the list and let me know if there is anything else you need?"
Sam nodded and nibbled his way through the toast as he added things to the list. John noticed an expression of pain ever time he swallowed and got him to take his medicine.
Eventually, Sam pushed the list back toward his dad and sipped on his second glass of water.
"Pickles?" John asked, surprised. "I don't know, bud, those are pretty salty."
"I like the little ones. They taste better."
Next to popsicle, which John was pretty proud of himself for remembering, Sam had written not green! He wasn't sure how they came, but he might just have to eat the green ones himself or save them for Dean.
"I don't think you need peanut M&Ms, Sammy."
"They're good for me," Sam argued. "They have protein."
"So do beans," John replied.
Sam just sighed, like he couldn't believe he had to put up with this second rate parent. John swallowed something that tasted like guilt and left the M&M's on the list. The ice cream stayed, too, but he rationalized that it would help Sam's throat.
"Go get washed up and dressed."
"Can't I stay here?" Sammy asked with those huge eyes set on John's face. "I don't feeeeel good," he whined. It was obvious just by looking at him that he was feeling pretty bad.
"I know, Sammy. I don't want to take you out in the cold either, but I can't leave you home by yourself."
"I'm eight," Sam said like it settled things. And if he was Dean, it might be different.
John thought about it for a few minutes and wondered about the odd woman who lived next door. She was always pleasant to John, but the pinwheels covering her lawn made him a little wary. It was the middle of winter for Pete's sake. Granted, there wasn't more than an inch or two of snow at any given time, but still.
"Stay here and I'll go talk to Sharon."
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