10th Birthday Bash!

Feb 23, 2022 18:15

So I am really late to this party, but I am very glad to be here! I cannot believe 10 years have gone by since ficwriter1966 approached me and a few others about starting this place where we could celebrate the sunnier, lighter side of Supernatural. We had so much fun and this place was my fandom home for a long time. Having a laugh and making other laugh is something I enjoy but RL has kept me busier than I imagined it would. However, I have so many good memories of our Spring FIc Exchange, Crowley's Christmas, Hallowen mini bangs, I Need a Giant Slinky, prank wars and so much more. I know I have not been present and active in awhile but I still lurk here and there. It is nice to see new names as well as old on the pages keeping the sun shining here at spn_bigpretzel

tenth birthday

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