Day 2

Feb 19, 2022 19:12

I have never been good at Drabbles. I tend to be more comfortable with 20K monsters rather than 100 word drabbles, but especially for this comm, I have successfully crafted a drabble to celebrate!


Dean could hear the chortling as he passed Sam’s room, and he absolutely had to know just what was prompting such hilarity. Shoving the door open he gazed at his brother with his eyebrows raised.
Sam was sitting up against his headboard, laughing at something on his laptop.
Sam dashed away tears of laughter from his face and turned his screen so Dean could see what he was looking at.
“God, Dean, how did they know?”
“Know what, Francis?”
“It’s all here. All the silly stuff you’ve done in the name of pie!”
“Huh? Where?”
“Here, spn_bigpretzel! OMG! They’re psychic!”

tenth birthday

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