Jun 04, 2005 13:05
So, how about the list of things:
1. I own two giant danios, one pleco, and three scizzortail fish. They live happily together in our 40-gallon tank.
2. I am a child of the eighties.
3. Um.....am I really going to get to a hundred things here? Nice try splynth.
4. I'm an old married lady with two children, five and seven.
5. I have a B.Sc. in computer science.
6. Despite this I've never learned how to make style sheets , and have only a basic grasp of HTML.
7. I like dandelions. Might be because I don't have a yard of my own.
8. I grew up in Saskatchewan. Luckily I wasn't the last one to leave, and I didn't turn out the lights.
9. Ho, ho.
10. These are really boring things, aren't they. Give me some time, I'll think of some pithy sayings and random ephemera.
In other news, nothing's happened today.