Look at this.
http://www.livejournal.com/interests.bml?int=nazi+jokes There are only four people, who, according to livejournal, think nazis are funny...
And TWO of them are me.
Hitler jokes are *slightly* more popular, with a grand total of four people interested in them, but, only ONE of them is me. XD.
http://www.livejournal.com/interests.bml?int=hitler+jokes edit:
Also, according to livejournal, I am not alone in my love for dead people. XD. there are four hundred and fourteen people who are interested in dead guys, and only ONE of them is me. XD. Meh. I was a closet case then. XD.
http://www.livejournal.com/interests.bml?int=dead+people Oh, and the best one. There are TWO people on livejournal who love my hamster. And they're BOTH me. *heart*
http://www.livejournal.com/interests.bml?int=kokkei *hearts to angel Kokkei in the sky somewheres*