Everybody knows how Woosoo is a stupid limited doll. And, likewise, he hasn't even been seen in tiny little TRACES on the Marketplace for at LEAST four months.
That is, UNTIL TODAY. D*8
There's a BEAUTY WHITE vampire Woosoo on YJ. I'd bid if I actually had some money. :P. Poo POO POO. *sadface*
http://www.rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/84807044 I WANT him. :/. I'd sell my friggin' soul.
Okay, no I wouldn't. But still.
You guys get the picture. :P.
If this had come around a month ago, I wuld have TOTALLY gotten everyone to pitch in together and buy it for me for my birthday. <3. But now there's no excuse.
Well, nevermind. I'm sure I'll find a way to sap someone of thier Woosoo EVENTUALLY. MUAHA. >:D.
(they just don't know it yet....)