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Mar 18, 2010 07:39

I got Strengths Finder 2.0 in the mail recently. I already had a used copy of Now Discover Your Strengths, but I needed some version of a new book to take the strengthsfinder test online. (2.0 is supposed to use an updated test.) Gallup has done tons of research and identified 34 distinct behavior patterns that can be considered raw talents. The test tells you your top five talents. (I.e. these are raw talents that can be developed into strengths with training and experience.) Here are my five:

1. Ideation - The love of ideas.
2. Futuristic - Dreaming up a vision of a better future.
3. Strategic - The ability to see a clear path where others see complexity.
4. Learner - The desire to constantly be learning something.
5. Command - The desire to take charge and to confront people with the truth.

How do these talents show up in my life? Well Ideation is the clearest one to me. I love simple concepts which clearly explain complex phenomena. I also love making new connections between seemingly unrelated things. I love coming up with new ideas, and I love seeing a new take on an old idea. I usually have a quick reply for any situation. That is my Ideation at work.

I'm constantly dreaming about the future, so Futuristic seems to fit me too. The flip side to this is that I've always had trouble enjoying the present. The second I accomplish a goal I start thinking about the next goal. Also, this is my only talent that is really motivation oriented. (Other people might have talents like Achiever or Competitive.) I've never had a job where I was able to use this talent much at all, and consequently I've never been terribly motivated.

Ironically Strategic is not a talent I would have anticipated. That is because people can use the word "strategic" to mean a lot of different things. Once I went back through the whole description it made sense though. It's about seeing a clear path, playing out different scenarios and then selecting the best course of action. The main way I've used this talent so far is in solving difficult math problems. Sometimes when someone encounters a math problem they will say, "I wouldn't even know how to begin.", but to me the way to begin is always clear. Also a person with this talent is good at identifying obstacles or problems within a plan. For example if someone suggested, "lets drop the ceiling on our enemies", then my first thought would be "where are we going to be standing?"

Learner is one that seems to complement Ideation. I love to learn and the learning fuels new ideas. However I also just seem to love learning for its own sake. Some have said I have a photographic memory, because I get really energized from learning something new.

Command is a weird one for me. I definitely have a desire to bluntly tell people the truth. However I don't feel like I need to be in charge of everything. The only time I really want to be in charge is to when it comes from my own personal vision.

These five talents describe me fairly well, but the big hole for me is that I really love to entertain people. It isn't directly clear from these talents where that comes from. The best I can come up with is that it's a combination of Ideation and Command. I've always been able to entertain people with my weird and funny ideas, so that is the Ideation part. When I am on stage I definitely have a presence. Also I feel energized, because I feel like I am in control of the whole room. I suppose that might be my Command talent energizing me. *shrug*
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