Mar 15, 2005 08:30
That it could be so productive when you wake up early and get the hell on with things.. It is kind of a new thing for me. The past week I've forced myself into bed by 10:30 and up by 7:30, been attempting chores I hadn't tackled in ages (or ever). For instance, day before yesterday I changed the oil in the truck (all me, heh). The day before that, my husband and I changed the oil, oil filter, and spark plugs in both bikes (one of the most satisfying marriage activities besides the obvious). Yesterday I began undoing months of neglect in the laundry department, for instance, the handwashables that had been avoided for up to a year and had gathered in a pile in the closet. What I find interesting is the ritual of making the bed: a task which until recently I had regarded as frivolous. On the contrary, besides making the mess in the bedroom seem smaller, it keeps me from crawling back into it to avoid the sun. Sweet, eh?
Now I realize that some of you are saying to yourself, "yeah, duh...and? what, she wants a medal?" Just keep in mind that those things that are easy for lots of you are scary hurdles for those of us (or me) that have spent most of their lives avoiding and devaluing the 'menial' household tasks that are so important to daily living. It is almost like being addicted to a drug and suddenly figuring out that life is better and often more interesting without it. Well, maybe habitual user would make a more apt analogy. Anyway, I'm going to go get the hell on with things.