Sex and The City

Dec 27, 2002 23:22

Ive been thinking a lot lately about why it is I choose to be involved with someone. Is it the right thing to do? Im 16 years old, I am a jounior in highschool and I have my entire life ahead of me. Call me crazy, but is love now, the right time? Baffled by these questions I have asked myself...I have come to many conclusions...

You see, it is so hard to find real love. And then you always have the question in the back of your mind...Is there someone better? Now, to find your "perfect someone" you mine as well commit relationship suicide right now. There is no perfect someone because reality ones perfect. But what if that someone you meet is so close? What is to say there isnt anyone better. Now, I was thinking about this too. Is love just a word to express true happiness. I think that it really is. Before you fall in are truly happy and so you say you are in love. So, as I see it...there is no such thing as I say this being in a relationship where I tell my boyfriend that I love him every 5 seconds. BUT! That true happiness is what prevails.

I believe that if you find true happiness you should never give that up, no matter what age it is. Someone may not be perfect but if they make you happy and have a wonderful influence over your life, then there is NOTHING in this world better then that.

--Inspired by Sex and the City...
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