oh remember when i had free time? yeah... that was nice..
though i did steal some today.
friday: i had to pose at FES at work because we didn't have one, in fact four people working that nice; me, adam (my manager who was back in the frame shop most of the night), colin (who was hired less then a month ago), and kevin (who's some REALLY slow kid who was hired less then a week ago). that was crazy, but i liked the power ;] later that night JAY-Z popped my dream cherry... i don't know why i'm having sexy dreams with JAY-Z.. i don't find him cute and i never listen to his music but whatever, the sex was nice.
saturday: well, that started out as sucks x1000 but i sucked it up and went into work then had a hagpie meeting after which lovely <3
sunday (today): i did't have to work!!!!! alyssa and i ran around and bought things for hagpie. then we bought some stuff for our costumes. then we went to the park and this guy with a cute accent told us it was good we didn't like ayn rand cause that means we have brains. then these silly semi getto boys tried to hit on us after walking past us a few times. next time they should try saying something more then 'hey.' then we went to ari's semi new place. i miss the days of lying on ari's couch watching bad tv. *sigh*
monday: painting the stage, more shopping with alyssa, logs project, last college comp paper, hagpie music (any totally sweet DANCE song ideas out there?)
tuesday: .... work...
wednesday: dare i say i'm free? probably some hagpie thing... maybe if i'm lucky i'll be able to get coffee with chris..
thursday: yes! work again!
friday: hagpie set up, cooking 'eat me' treats, making 'drink me' labels
saturday:last minute set up, HAGPIE!!!!!
sunday: sleep :]]]]]]]
this is what i will look like on saturday:
i'm so hawt.