Jun 03, 2006 12:05
my mom is an ANNOYING mood because apparently she only got 2 hours of sleep last night? so she DECIDES to take the opportunity to blame it on me??? KAY debbiel.
i have a job as of this morning ! the guy (Ranger Manson hahahah) from the Boston parks department called me and said I start the 12th at 9 AM and im getting $13 an hour. so sweet. im not REALLY sure what im doing?? lol. BUT i get to work with dwaine..who is amazing. and i get vacation and sick days every 2 weeks. and hopefully it has something to do with helping tourists around fanuiel hall..because that would be FUN.
so yesssterday i had rehearsal at 8 15 AM...and then Gussssyy came over and we picked up Diana and then watched Saw II and ate pesto pasta. and theennn he left for his weekend with his CREW. is it wrong for me to LOVE the saw movies??
THEN i took a much needed shower and picked up my other lover Joey Mirabile..and we got sushi. and a little mermaid dvd for $1 that ended up being ANIME. and i love joey. the end.
i wanna go to the Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hopefully me and gems can go soon