Snip Snip Snip. Snippity Snip Snip.

Dec 16, 2009 14:49

I just did a bit of chopping on the friends list. I think you know the drill by now, I cut you because we didn't talk anymore or didn't have much in common. These things are a pain in the butt, but at the end of the day with uni and stuff I really don't have the time to go through as many entries as I used to.

I've been dwelling upon minimising the friends list for a while, and I'm still going to be doing a bit of chopping over the next few days. It's always a tough choice, and I don't like to do it, and whether you comment or not I don't want you to feel as if I'm ignoring you because I don't have the time to comment on your LJ's if I'm too busy writing about cock rot. Classy hey? (No, I'm not going to get over staring at mouldy pene for days on end lol)

No hard feelings mmmmkay? All the best for 2010!!!!


(P.S If you want to stay, and I've chopped you by mistake (the clicky boxes somehow merge when I do these things) then you're going to have to give me a holler


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