134. Holiday Request Post

Dec 05, 2015 22:33

Wanted to do something to thank you guys for your lovely comments and all, so here's a little giftmas request post.

Feel free to request something and I will do my best to icon it for you hopefully before the 25th December! Depending on how many requests it’ll probably be 3-5 icons per person, but just let me know what you want* in a comment below :)

*as long as it’s something I’ve seen/iconned - ask if you’re not sure

The Naughty or Nice List:
1. aravishermione
2. stydia
3. blighted_star
4. 1lastdanceluv
5. hamarakissa
6. bella_farfalla
7. narnialover7
8. lover_of_narnia
9. icequeen3101
10. cool_spectrum
11. muirthemne
12. amyofaquitaine
13. theladymorgan
14. emharri

(Note to self: need an actually Christmassy icon :P Fixed!)


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