114. Tutorial #14

Dec 16, 2014 20:37

AtM 6.0 Tutorial #4!

for queen_bartonia
1. Starting with this screencap, resize and crop to a base layer

2. Duplicate the base layer and set to Multiply, opacity 100

3. Adjust the Red Hue/Saturation channel to Saturation -100, and the Blue Hue/Saturation channel to Hue -180

4. Duplicate the above layer and Colorize to these settings, then set to Multiply, opacity 100

5. Margaery’s skin is looking a bit dark so create a new layer from visible and set to Screen, opacity 100, then erase everything but her skin

6. Her skin is looking a bit green, so Colorize the skin layer to these settings. Create a new layer from visible (and I’ve blurred it slightly because it was a bit too sharp).

7. Create a new solid colour layer at the top, colour 746d60. Duplicate the new layer from visible from Set 6 and bring to the top, then cut out Margaery.

8. On top of the solid fill layer but below the Margaery cutout, paste this texture by raiindust and set to Screen, opacity 100

9. Duplicate the above texture and set to Screen, opacity 34.9

10. Make a text layer above the textures but still below Margaery that looks like this (font: Coneria Script Demo; size: 47; colour: white). Set to Normal, opacity 49.8

11. Make text layer above the textures but still below Margaery that looks like this (font: Coneria Script Demo Medium; size: 41, colour: white). Set to Normal, opacity 49.8

12. Duplicate the Margaery texture, recolour to this and set to Screen, opacity 100

13. Duplicate the Margaery texture, desaturate to this and set to Screen, opacity 40

14. Her face is too dark so duplicate the original Margaery cutout and bring to the top, erase everything but her face and set to Screen, opacity 100

15. Duplicate the face layer and set to Screen, opacity 20

16. Create a text layer that look like this (font: AR Decode Thin; size: 91; colour: 434a41) and bring to the top, set to Normal, opacity 100

17. Create a text layer that looks like this (font: Still Time; size: 56; colour: 2e352b) and bring to the top, set to Normal, opacity 100

18. Take this texture by innocent_lexys and edit it to look like this. Set to Soft Light, opacity 100

19. Take the same texture and edit it to look like this. Set to Soft Light, opacity 100

20. Take the same texture and edit it to look like this. Set to Soft Light, opacity 100.


Original | Reconstruction

My tutorials are intended to demonstrate my icon-making process, and hopefully to help other icon makers - they are not here so anyone can copy my work, so please don't!

%meme: ask the maker, &tutorials

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