Part 2 of 2
Hope you all like them!
NB: All request icons are shareable, and none of my tutorials are intended for anyone to exactly replicate my icons with :)
Game of Thrones [5]
Once Upon a Time [10]
Robin Hood [5]
S4 Sansa for
incandescent(This ended up being just Sansa at the Eyrie, sorry! :P)
Aurora for
blighted_star [06-10]
Captain Swan for
elenastew [11-15]
Robin Hood for
dreamer_98 [16-20]
Tutorial for
mermaidskullAdvance warning: because of the way in which I work, the images below of the steps used will look massively oversharpened.
1. Take
this screencap of Thorin, crop it and resize it to 100x100px
2. Duplicate the layer, set to Screen opacity 100, increased Saturation up to 100. Create a new layer from visible.
3. Take
this texture by innocent_lexys (let’s call it texture 1), roughly erase (using a brush with blurred edges) the bits over the mountain, his face and the sky, recolour (I probably adjusted the Hue settings) to a light purple colour. I’ve put the texture against a black background so you can see what it looks like now for me. Set to Screen opacity 100.
4. Take
this texture by innocent_lexys (texture 2), erase Thorin, set to Lighten Only opacity 100, then duplicate the Lighten Only layer, then duplicate it again
5. Take texture 1, increase the size to about 500x500px then place the darker corner bit over the icon and erase all but the sky. Set to Normal opacity 100
6. Duplicate the above texture layer, adjust Hue to a slightly more purple one, set to Burn opacity 58.4
texture1edited3 & tut10h
7. Find that new layer from visible and bring it to the top. Set to Soft Light opacity 100
8. His chest is looking a bit too light, so duplicate the above layer, desaturate it and adjust the curves to increase the contrast, then erase all but his chest
9. Duplicate the chest layer and set to Dodge opacity 100
10. The top of his hair is looking a bit bright, so create a new layer, add some black paint blobs over the top of his hair, set layer to Multiply opacity 27.5
11. Still a bit light, so duplicate the light blobs layer and set to Soft Light opacity 14.9
12. Take
this texture by raiindust (texture 3) set to Screen opacity 100. Duplicate the layer four times (so you have five layers of texture 3 in total)
13. Take
this texture by innocent_lexys (texture 4) and adjust Hue and Curves to get the version below, set to Soft Light opacity 100
14. Take texture 4 and adjust Hue and Curves to get the version below, set to Soft Light opacity 49.8
texture4edited2 & tut10r
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