Sheesh, that was a lot of work...
AU!Chiharu (Secret Santa) - various sweets, labeled as being from her Secret Santa
Various Christmas cards to: OU!Chronos, OU!Ryou, AU!Otogi, AU!Tracey, OU!Daitoukuji, OU!Misawa, AU!Johan, OU!Abidos, AU!Asuka, OU!Fubuki, and AU!Yusuke. All with Christmas greetings, Judai-y messages that I won’t go into since it’s past midnight, but assume that Chronos’s contains something along the lines of “Cheer up!” and Ryou’s and Otogi’s both contain enthusiastic “Yes!” answers.
Everyone above besides Chiharu gets a “fake” Duel Monsters card with their initial in a font something like
this. OU!Yubel gets one too because he feels guilty about getting a present without giving one back, though there's no Christmas card.