Nov 14, 2007 17:26
All is equal. Doing a positive does not create a negative, nor the need to do a negative. Doing a negative does not create a positive, nor the need to do a positive.
All is equal. You owe no one anything and they owe you nothing.
A good deed is done; this is a positive. Does this put the one the deed was done to in the negative?
A fake positive is a good deed meant to put another into a negative. It is a cruel act to pretend to do a positive only to expect the other person to reciprocate and is actually a negative. The other person is assumed a to be negative meaning he or she must do a positive for redemption, however because a negative was done, by this logic it could be said that doing a negative creates a need for another negative. If one hits another, is the one hit in debt? A fake positive is done with the knowledge that debt is necessary for the trains to run on time.
A true negative is an act done out of hate, greed, or ignorance. True negatives are intentional acts and deserve no pity. When one does a true negative, it causes suffering. No one deserves to suffer artificially, thus a true negative can never have a justification. And after a true negative has been done, the one it was done to also has no right to commit one for this same reason. A true negative is done with the knowledge that all is negative.
A fake negative is a cruel act done out of sorrow, pain, or suffering. One can not be blamed for a negative done to end a suffering and possibly bring happiness. This is programmed into the human condition. It is the nature and right of all living animals to do what they must to survive and end pain; however this sometimes causes one to do evil things. These things are what anyone would do. A fake negative is not a positive, but it is not a negative. A fake negative is done in the knowledge that nothing is equal.
A true positive is an act done out of charity, good will, or friendship. When a true positive is done, a reciprocation may be accepted, but its intent was not to cause a negative. A true positive is done with the knowledge that all is equal.
All is equal. Doing a positive does not create a negative, nor the need to do a negative. Doing a negative does not create a positive, nor the need to do a positive.