Gettin' some coordination goin' on

Nov 06, 2008 19:57

((Bringing disparate comm stuff up here, w00t.))

*Blaster tosses a salute to Streetwise then glances earnestly at Jazz.* We're gonna have to make do with what we got right now. You handle the incoming, I'm gonna get some order goin' on. *He puts his attention on the comms console and starts flicking switches, juggling lines again.*

*He nods to Roadbuster on the way* Agreed, as soon as I hear from one. We'll just have to rely on the external cameras. Lockout-- *He glances at the female human* Can you keep an eye on a few of those screens for me? Sarge, see if you can get a base-wide scan up an' runnin', if it works at all maybe we can find bots faster than waitin' for 'em to walk past a camera.

[SComm:Prowl] Ya know, I expect not much of anythin' makes sense when the world ends an' then' restartin' like this, well, what can we do but go with the flow? *A pause as he tries to access more than the Ark feeds.* Autobot City's lookin' empty, I'm only gettin' half the cameras an' it's quiet over there. Don't know if you wanna scope it out an' collect anyone you find. I'll try to hail the PA there, but we could use you over here, it's gettin' kinda hairy. You got the wolf mode, Hound just randomly transformed into a dog on us, and from Ratchet's report and what I saw in the med bay, we got some kind of issue with Sideswipe. I'm gonna try to get things calmed down an' hope nothin' else weird happens before we can get a head count. [/comm]

[Comm:Ark/Autobot City PA] Attention, attention, every bot or otherwise, you listenin'? Take a moment an' listen, got it? Looks like we're all confused an' outta sorts, so ev'rybody just take in some air an' keep your heads on. Jazz's here with me an' Prowl's on his way in from outside, we'll see what we can pull together. Meantime, keep movin' toward the Ark Comms Room unless you been sent somewhere else already. [/comm]

*His gaze flicks toward the feed from the med bay. He attempts to hail Sideswipe's private frequency but gets a silent line, as if the mech isn't there. He frowns and hopes his announcement helps to defuse whatever the situation is down there.*

((*Dodges any bricks hurled her way for the "keep your heads on" comment.* XD))
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