Oct 14, 2004 10:06
I know, I forget to do my daily update yesterday, so I am doing one this morning. Yesterday was a pretty good day. I had class, and then a Meterology test, which was kinda sucky, but I think I did OK. Then in MEterology lab we made super cooled water, which was actually wicked fun. (yeah I know I am a wicked dork) Then I hung out in the game room FOREVER and watched Mike suck at pool, the was RHA which would have been lams, but both Laura and I were wearing cute outfits, which is always fun! Then last night I watched the game and ate pizza with Mike, and it was fun...well the game was unfortunate, but the pizza was delicious!!! I then returned to my room so I could get a quality 6 hours of sleep before oceanography this morning. Then I went to the Res Life office to let Mayo know that Wood Ventures would be happy to donate wood for out homecomming float....which is soooo chill!! Now I have to go shower, then I am off to lunch and class, and then I have to meet with Audry to do exam kit stuff.....Joy. I hope everyone has a fantastic day, and remember to rest up for homecomming this weekend!!!