Sep 18, 2007 15:10
I'm home as of four days ago. I love Seattle. I love overcast. I love cafes.
But I reserved a ticket to fly back into Sao Paulo on the 11th. Just for a week and a half though. LadyFest Brazil and the national feminist punk festival!!!!!! Plus friends and Rapha and FUCKING AMAZING SHOWS and staying at Kerby's house (aka, Brazilian dyke/riot grrrl land in central Sao Paulo).
I am moved into a new house. It is on Greek Row. And called Canada. There will be amazing people living there shortly and I HAVE MY OWN ROOM THAT IS COMPLETELY MINE for the first time in nearly two years. No subletting, no UW ownership, no mom taking over as soon as I step out the door.
However, the last renters were fucking bastards and didn't clean anything. Positives are that we have a lot of free furniture, some leftover booze, and everyone has their own complimentary minifridge. Negatives are the mold, trash, old food, and fruit fly infestation.
Then there's a couple friends of roomies who are hanging around until the actual roomies get back. They're nice enough but I'm kind of annoyed that they aren't helping me clean (I've been attacking mold and fruit flies for at least two hours every day). One of them said they didn't want to because it wasn't their mess, which is legit, but if you're staying in someone's house for several weeks and not helping with rent shouldn't you do... something?
Oh, and my parents lost my phone and broke my mp3 player over the summer (BITTER - another reason I'm glad I finally have my own space), so I'm on my dad's cell until the end of the week and the number is 206-930-4932. I don't have your number unless it's on Facebook. I'll make individual requests for numbers once I get my own phone.