It isn't even midnight the day before I have an article due and I'm actually finished.
Like, not... "Oh... Sure... I'm finished... I have like three more pages to write, but it's basically done..." But actually finished in the sense that I have a bonafide piece of work that I will be glad to turn in tomorrow, fully feeling that this is indeed reflective of my ability. And I have a feeling that she'll like it because she called this article "lucid and well-written" during workshop. So yay.
That being said, AIM is not working for me and this is making me very sad.
Also, turkey sandwiches are delicious but they ain't workin' so well on the old tummy. BUT, I got more vegan chocolate chip cookies. These are the oatmeal kind that are just much better than the kind I got last week. You can be suspicious all you like, but really... these vegan cookies rawk hardkore.
I'm wearing my Harry Potter USC scarf so I feel very Gryffindorkish spirited.
OH MY GOD. I CANNOT BELIEVE CAMILLE BASICALLY ACCUSED YOANNA OF BEING BULIMIC. THAT WAS RIDICULOUS. And I think Mercedes is going to go next week because she's too "commercial." I began to like Yoanna more this week than I had previously. And I really felt bad for her for being called weird-shaped even though she's a size 2. And Camille accusing her of bulimia! Gah. Shandi is really changing; I'm not sure that's such a good thing. AND SHE'S GOING TO CHEAT ON HER BOYFRIEND WITH SOME ITALIAN LOSER! OMG.
Mmm. Anyway. Yeah. Stupid AIM.