okay, okay! gilded castle!

Mar 12, 2011 18:21

I am the first one to use this comm for plotting purpose (thank you for making it, dear!) and so I claim it in the name of the Gilded Castle fuck yeah.

Okay, um, housecastlemates! We must talk-- under the cut are some things I'd like to try, and that people have mentioned to me... Add your tags as you comment I guess, I'm... an awful lazy person who doesn't want to go look at the housing page to see who all's in Castle Bling.

(can that be its nickname)

Okay, a small list of ideas...

- Eco has a pet duck, and Julian's been taking care of him Rob too, suppose and, well, they're gonna need a pond because ducklings get big awful quick. And I figure I better just clear up this little wish with the rest of the castle, since it affects y'all-- Shaz came up with this idea, actually! We were thinking that they'd wish for one, but instead of it appearing outside, it'd... end up flooding the castle, a little. Castle drenched in water, probably the lower floors dealing with it more rather than the upper, maybe. Soggy bits, that.

- Fraaaan wanted Peter to be able to go make a list of rules/demands-- this would affect, of course, the whole castle, and your character probably wouldn't end up following them because they're likely super ridiculous, but iirc she still wanted to discuss it with y'all.

- WE NEED TO JUST ALL THROW OUR MATES INTO A LOG OR SOMETHING, MAN not a... literal log, per se, that'd hurt BUT YOU KNOW..! I've half a mind that most of them haven't had the chance to speak to each other a whole lot, despite living in the same house castle, and it'd be pretty sweet I guess... or something... A lot of interaction would probably come re: castle flooding but, you know, this is a thought...

- awfully cliquey here but OUR OWN CHAT..? I'm not sure, I was thinking about this earlier. It'd be nice and likely a lot easier if we did, though. (i vote castlebling as the name if we decide to do it) and, well, I'd go into splendor's chat to see if any of y'all are in there but I'm awful shy about discussing plotting right up there and taking over a conversation, basically, and what not... But whatever, this one's just a throwaway idea.

I guess that's all, unless y'all've (that is a legit word shut up) got any more ideas we could do? Shenanigans, they are beautiful.

eco, *i need shenanigans, !housemate plotting

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