Oct 29, 2010 04:23

Hey everyone, balthier here with my 4th character what am I doing! Professor Hershel Layton from...well Professor Layton!

He's coming from just after the Curious Village. He's a lovely gentleman who loves puzzles and riddles, so he'll love to spread the joy of puzzles by springing them on you, especially if you show some interest. He is also British, which means he loves tea and cakes and scones and crumpets and top hats and stuff that all us English people love. He's also a true gentleman in every sense of the word and tries to see the good in everyone.

Thought I'd get his intro out of the way before the event starts. Feel free to prod me on AIM, PM, whatever and we can do plottings. I'd love to plot with my roommates for all my characters after the ball event has finished. :)

these tags remind me of a puzzle, this game is now 100% more british, shenanigans

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