{ introducing an intro post }

Sep 01, 2011 05:13

What do I do when introducing myself? Well, I look in my pile of icons and go Hm, self, what do you want to be remembered by today? and immediately pick the creepiest of creeper icons I can find. No, really. There it goes. Enjoy. I hope this first impression is imprinted upon whatever lobe of your brain you find the best because I want you to remember me well.

Truth be told I should not be writing intro posts at ten til 5AM. It's bad! Very very bad!

My name's Jackie and despite how creepy the icon or rambly the prose, I think I'm halfway nice to get along with. I bring you France! From Axis Powers Hetalia. Oh, Hetalia... Oh France. Believe it or not, you will not have to hide yo' kids or yo' wife. He's really not too bad of a guy. Good neighbor to have, keeps his kitchen and person tidy. Has the ability to seduce inatimate objects at will (he really can't be blamed for uh,  immersing himself in his art, though).

Any questions about him, feel free to ask. Not going to lie, he has a decent sized head canon. I obviously like thinking about the man  way too much. Such a francophile. Sob.

Oh. You can ask questions about myself as well. College graduate, living in a cornfield (Indiana), collecting all the muses... I actually got dragged along by a few good castmates here on the last day of apps. Six hours before the deadline. :T I spazzed in very unclassy ways, but here I am! Excited to be here and playing with you lovely folks.

Feel free to add me on plurk. I don't bite and I keep the groping down to a dull roar, unless you ask of course.


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