Slowatus/Maybe Hiatus

May 04, 2011 21:00


Quick notice that I will not be around very much probably until Friday. Not sure if I should really need to post this given how short it is, but it's just... I have a really big project due then, one big exam tomorrow, and overall it's just taking it's toll. A lot of this is new to me and I think I'm experiencing how much stress can kill one's ability to communicate with their muses - at least I'm hoping it's stress. It probably is. I dunno. All I know is right now I'm questioning how IC I am on pretty much everything and that's not healthy for me right now, so I think I need a break - it doesn't help that I probably threw myself into a few too many threads/plots right off the bat.

Anyway so yeah. I will be back Friday, and if there's anything you really want/need me to see to, just send me a message on LJ (either mun or muse account will do) or Plurk, or AIM.

And now I must go work on my robot more. BYYYYEEE. 

i'll be back, school kicks my ass sometimes, i am so so so so sorry, i love you guys, university kicks my ass sometimes, hiatus, hiatusidk, hiatus train

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