Continuing the Parade of Newcomers

Apr 27, 2011 03:09

So hi. This is Gorse (a.k.a. Gorsie or Kristen but I will seriously answer to all of them IRL or on the interwebs), and I am a total newbie.

Well maybe not total. But this is my first LJ RP ever so pardon my flailings. And there will be flailings because I can be just as much a derp as my kiddo here. And that kiddo would be Luke fon Fabre, main protagonist of Tales of the Abyss. He's also cousin (and ex-fiance royal family relations whut) to mykimlasca who may be running the clinic and he looks almost indistinguishable from claim_my_place . And then there are his fonicpuppeteer daathicdocile (but only Ion and Anise are getting a mention because God-generals ew B|).

Seriously though I've been waiting like two months for this so I am seriously stoked to be here. I also like waving at people and plotting like a fiend. SO LET US PLOT. IT WILL BE GLORIOUS.


My journal is at  gorsecloud, while my AIM is gorsethewarrior and I have a Plurk at gorsecloud and seriously if you search "Gorsecloud" on Google, probably anything that isn't a Warrior Cats RP (and even some that is maybe), it's probably me. 

is this happening, this game is now 100% more angst, i'm on a boat, can we seriously use the tags like this?, this game is now 100% more trollable, wow there are a lot of tags, this game is now 100% more woobie, new in town, this game is now 100% more replica, e.t. fon home, this game will now be 100% more confusin, hurrah castmates, intro post, who's excited i sure am, i am so so so so sorry, i got your tags, new characters, +1 reject, intro like a boss, it almost sounds like derp, you're welcome auldrant, gorsie plots like a fiend, so i heard you needed you protag, +1 redhead, +1 derp, castmates assemble

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