
Feb 04, 2011 21:33

So I'm back from University stress and so looking forward the next two weeks of holidays. Expect me to backtag like crazy over the next few days. orz

Anyway, on other news, I'm still working on Riku's "report" (also known as the IC-KH-Meta-summary-of-Doom orz)  and think it will be finished sometimes this weekend. Be warned, it will come in three parts, orz. Only one of them will be relevant for the Law Enforcement people, the rest are IC notes Riku will keep around to make it a. easier on him and me to keep track of all the stuff he's found out since arriving in Splendor and b. to keep some kind record in case somebody/something ever messes with his memory or anything. *coughs* >.>;;; ICly it should become available Monday. LE Cast, anyone up for another mingling post thing to discuss the report and things like Kefka vandalizing all around the City and possible consequences for multiple offenders of library rules... or something?

Also now that I'm thinking about it, KH-castmates assemble, please~! I'm kind of working on an add for the upcoming ATP, and if anyone has any requests, please tell me so that I can add them in. :DDD

But anyway, it's so good to be back again. It's just been a week and I stalked a little, but I still missed this place. ^^

... /okay uhm shutting up now |D;;;

backtags forever, guess who's back? back again?, dehiatus, you can ignore me now, okay i'm done invading, get over here, return, hai, back, derp, castmates assemble, shenanigans

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