Hiatusing sort of

Feb 03, 2011 18:25

 Ok so yeah I would call this a slowatus but I've been tremendously slow erratic in my tagging for the past month or two... BUT YEAH I'm starting up spring semester at school and I need to sort of... focus on that. SO I GUESS THIS IS A HIATUS SORT OF I may backtag a little (especially if you ask me to!) but yeah that'll be it until I can get settled back into school and stuff. This affects glimmerofheaven (and Schwann) as well as  Ginko.

ALSO UM I'm really sorry for just being slow in general! I think taking a break from rp should also help get rid of the generally tagging malaise I've been having, so hopefully when I come off hiatus that will stop. Derp.

backtags forever, caitie and jaclyn are terrible, school kicks my ass sometimes, i am so so so so sorry, you can ignore me now, semi-hiatus, this post is now 100% more awful, what am i even doing, hiatus, derp, ridiculous tag use, this post needs more tags

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