Hiiiiiii there you amazing folks you!
I'm Joe. I'm new. Who is this guy that I'm wearing? Why, it's none other than the amazing Gary Oak!
Ah yes Gary, star of memes everywhere. Fortunately for you, Gary is taken from long after his jerk phase and is now, yes, a Poikemon Researcher, just like his amazing grandfather. He's still a calm cat but he's more likely to want to research and help Pokemon than to battle with them or scribble silly graffiti on signs to Cerulean City. He's bringing his Electivire with him, by the way. I guess there's not much more to say than that other than he's one of my newer muses so I'm still getting used to playing with him. It's okay though! I'll get used to him.
Uh, as for contact info, you can find me on AIM at Viridian Days or on plurk at
veryveryviridian! Feel free to contact me for whatever you want - and you're more than free to add me to plurk too, if you have it! Let's have fun playing together~~~!