So, does everyone have a date for this masquerade?
[Altair pauses here for effect.] Well, perhaps we should have people get together and try and arrange dates for people. Not a romantic date or playing matchmaker or anything, just -- have you ever gone to a dance alone when you didn't want to
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[The poor faun hasn't even left the Entranceway, having no idea where he's supposed to be headed, let alone any idea of any notifications that have been posted in explanation.]
I am, it w-would seem .. altogether t-t-turned about, really. This t-talk of a m-m-masquerade though .. W-what information? W-who w-will speak to us?
And.. c-costumes? It this a necessity? I question as to if it is necessary..
[Thank the heavens, the stuttering was easing!]
[Okay, he might, but that's not really the sort of thing he's into. He is noticing, though, that the stutter is ... going away a bit MAYBE HE SHOULDN'T DRAW ATTENTION TO IT?
A n-nervous habit, I'm afraid. Although I'd love to relax, good sir .. I'm a bit .. out of sorts, one might say. I do think information about this place would be very much appreciated, whether at this masquerade or otherwise .. However, it's .. I'm not particularly certain how well a costume would work for me.
[Indeed, how much would they count as a 'costume'? Could he get away with only a mask?]
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