[ AFTER THE MASSACRE ] Video/Action/Everything

Jul 26, 2011 12:02

[ **NOTE** : For those who are unaware, Alexander has been resting in Edel's room after the massacre he accrued these past few days. Although Edel had suspicions about the scenes played out, he wasn't about to let Alexander just lay dead on the forest floor for the most part.

Edel has made two wishes.
The first, to take Alexander somewhere safe. His room.
The second, to not allow anyone to enter the GILDED CASTLE lest they were invited in first. So, Luke, Tear, Mieu, and any other residents of the GILDED CASTLE can enter and exit it freely, but others may have a bit of trouble if they are not first invited. Which honestly, this is a blanket, unnecessary wish since people can't really enter on their own *anyway* without a key.

That being said, Alexander CAN NOT currently walk due to his possession and is thus bed bound. ]


[ There is a soft light in Edel's room right now. The feed is clicked on to face a wall full of flowers. Decorative ones, medicinal ones, anything and everything Edel could find to place in his room at the moment. For reasons beyond his love of flowers and medicine, he knows their scent covers the vile smell he himself can not smell. Alexander, of course, is lying somewhere in this room. On his bed, off screen. He is bound there for now, what with the reptilian flesh that covers his feet.

It takes him a moment, but Edel sits down at what looks to be a table. Yes. The seal is placed on a table. A desk would explain the books strewn about, some closer to the seal than others. But no, Edel will adjust this feed to look at him and him only. He could have simply done a voice post, but no- this is far too important for that.

There is a visible weariness about him. The sunken eyes, his glasses no longer resting on the crook of his nose, but rather on top of his head. He pinches between his eyes with one hand to run the weariness away before speaking -]

... Is everyone doing well after- [ What should he call it, honestly... ] after this incident? I have looked into the records of deaths in the area, but any personal confirmations would be appreciated. As always, my services as an alchemist are for the people of Splendor. I can only create what is needed and what is on hand, though.

[ He calmly takes the time to open his journal and ruffle through the pages before landing on a heavily marked page. ] Leoben, Ruca, Elliot... ... Rin... ... simply to name a few, if you are around, please feel free to respond. I have not been able to keep track of the seals at every waking hour, but I would still like to do my part to help.

Also, I have not been able to check myself, but what of the city? How are people reacting? And, of course, are you all well in your mental states? I can not even begin to comprehend what the locals must be thinking right now.

[ It is then that a dull, whiny voice in the background makes its presence now. Edel turns suddenly- in surprise, naturally, at the voice of someone who just so dares to speak while he has the feed on.

'Eddeellllllllllll', the whiny voice speaks in the background. It is distant and weak, but perhaps a splendorite with a keen insight and memory can sense the suspicious vocal chords in the background. They are, of course, none of than that of Alexander Darkov. The fugitive numero uno of Splendor. ]


[ With a murmur of God's name Edel snaps the feed shut for the time being, but he will reply to anyone once he has settled the noisy companion in his room. ]

asch the bloody, leoben conoy, ruca milda, oc: alexander darkov, [event] jack & the beanstalk, oc: edel, trunks, oc: rory connor, juvia loxar, oc: jack gibson & cerbos, natalia luzu kimlasca-lanvaldear, yukio okumura

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