{ oo1 } action/voice

Jul 15, 2011 15:05

[Sheena stands in the Golden Entranceway looking around clearly confused. She doesn't seem to realize that the small communicator she put in her bra for safe keeping was on, recording and broadcasting her voice.] Hey, uhm, is there anyone here that can tell me where I am? HEY! I can't be the only one here!

[the muffled sounds of footsteps can be ( Read more... )

presea combatir, lloyd irving, kuro, sheena fujibayashi, kratos aurion, marta lualdi, juvia loxar, america

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action; don't mind me i love cross canon. starstripedhero July 15 2011, 21:19:27 UTC
I'm up here!

[ So America says from the ceiling. Yes. The ceiling. He's sitting in Indian style up there, absolutely amused at this woman and her reactions.
--It was just a little bit unnerving he was just up there like that, but the biggest question was how he was doing that without falling. But okay.

The blond held onto his right ear piece of his glasses to keep them up properly and wore nothing but jeans, a plain white tee and his bomber jacket, despite it being warm outside.

In any case, he calls out again. ]

You're new here, aren't you!? Don't you worry yourself-- I'm the hero and I'm here!

[ yup. He's here to confuse you even more. ]


action; ohhh this will be Special. stealthbreasts July 15 2011, 21:22:50 UTC
[looks up and stares at him]


Uh, well, could you tel me where I am?


special is good. starstripedhero July 15 2011, 21:28:29 UTC
Well, ya see, it's kind of like this-- [ America starts as he adjusts his glasses again. ]

You've kind of sort of been captured by aliens. Don't freak out about it; they haven't really done anything to us so far besides grant us wishes with magic.

I know, it's total bullshit, but-- [ A pause. He grimaces slightly. ]

Oh my God; not cool not cool! Blood is rushing to my head. Hold on!

[ He slowly drifts off of the ceiling and does a slow flip to ease himself upward, tugging his clothing and adjusting his glasses as he floats there right side up. With a little twist, he dives down to Sheena and lands on his feet, but stumbles slightly. However he stays on his feet and puffs up his chest proudly. ]


[ Grinning wildly, he stands before Sheena and puts his hands on his hips. ]

Impressed, right? Hahaha! I know you are!
Let's see.. where was I--
Oh, yeah! Where's your key?

[ not where you left off, but okay, america. ]


stealthbreasts July 15 2011, 21:42:04 UTC
Aliens? Magic? Do you really expect me to believe that? [unimpressed with his jump; since she is a ninja and also can do that trick]


starstripedhero July 15 2011, 21:57:19 UTC
Actually.. no, I don't! Hahaha! Well, not the magic part atleast..

[ and here he is getting all up in your space, Sheena. He's not exactly being a creeper not really-- he's just looking for that key that should be around your neck. ]

Let's see. You should have a key thingy around your neck like everybody else.


stealthbreasts July 15 2011, 21:58:36 UTC
You expect me to believe the aliens part?

[leaaaans back] Oh, You mean this? [holds up her house key]


starstripedhero July 15 2011, 22:01:15 UTC
[ And voila! Good. America actually brightens at this and flashes her a toothy grin before pulling out of her space there. ]

Hahaha! Excellent! What type of key is it, huh? Some keys are cards that lead to a space house-- some lead to cottages-- it's where you'll be staying.. forever!

[ more laughter. really. nothing was funny. ] Well, until I save us all and get you back home.

Aaand, yeah! Aliens! It's the most logical explanation. They do exist, you know.


stealthbreasts July 15 2011, 22:06:54 UTC
No they don't.

[she takes a good look at her key, which opens the door to Arborn Castle] Where ever it goes, this key looks really fancy, like something for a big, old house.


starstripedhero July 15 2011, 22:10:46 UTC
[ And here he is leaning in again, this time to examine the key curiously. He pulls his glasses over his eyes to prop them on his brows to get a better look. America pops his lips together before humming quietly and running his tongue over his lip. He then straightens his posture. ]

I know exactly what that is!

[ no he doesn't. ]

Come on with me and I'll show you to your home! I can explain some more things!
By the way, you can call me America!
[ He says confidently as he begins to march ahead of Sheena. ]


stealthbreasts July 16 2011, 00:03:50 UTC
Really? Thanks a lot. [she catches up starts walking alongside him]

I'm Sheena.


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