Jul 12, 2011 14:29
[ Good evening, Splendorocity! Remember that announcement America made a few weeks ago regarding his birthday? Well, here it is finally! It's about sunset, and America seems to have spent his day wishing on the beach to throw the perfect little party for himself. He's busy under a colorful tent making barbecue and hamburgers; your typical 4th of July cookout. The young looking blond is seen in a mere black tank top and a pair of American flag trunks. Specks of water rested on his arms and legs.. no doubt he had already been swimming. He pauses his cookout to make another announcement on his seal and holds it so everybody can see him. ]
[ A beat. ]
That's right, man! It's my birthday! I'm a whole 235 years old! Seems like a good age, yeah? Hahaha! ANYWAY, you guys should totally come on down to the beach and let's celebrate me and everything I've done! Haha! I'm right now making you guys some food to eat and wishing for some of it too. And don't you guys forget MY presents or anything, okay? Hahh!
Ohhh, right right! Also, Taiwan and Japan! I have the fireworks here and ready for when the sun goes down a little bit more. Got it? The 4th just isn't the 4th without fireworks, yeahhh?
I think.. [ A pause. America seems distracted as he looks towards the water before he suddenly gets really excited. ]
[ and then the seal fades. ]
[[ ooc; feel free to threadjack, backtag, whatever, man. anything and everything is there for a party-- just put whatever you want there. apologies this is late and i may be slow to tag back, seeing as i am busy with a guest at the house and such. 'u' ]]