[Uh oh.]
[This is not the Chaagle Woods.]
[And it's really.]
Oh no! Um... um... umm... Mieuuu?
[The Cheagle's in a panic, and having this strange thing in front of him isn't helping, what is it? It looks just like... a circle. Another Sorcerer's Ring? Is it fonic? He doesn't feel any fonons...]The Elder's gonna be really mad
Read more... )
So he's crossing that newcomer's hall and bending to be level with the cheagle and watching. ]
... Mieu? Is that your name?
Y-yes, that's my name! I'm Mieu!
Do you speak under your own power, or through some other means?
[Blink blink.]
Oh! You mean the reason you can understand me? It's 'cause of the Sorcerer's Ring! [And he taps the metal band around his tummy proudly] It lets me do all sorts of things! Talking's just one of them!
If you do not mind so ignorant a question, what manner of being are you?
He has no idea what the order of Lorelei is. ]
Did you require aid?
[Also headpat eeeee; he's so happy it takes him a second to remember what to ask]
Umm... Can you tell me how to get back to the Cheagle Woods from here? The Elder's gonna be really mad at me if I don't do what he told me to...
[He begins to look uncertain.]
It's on the continent of Rugnica...
[There, that'll work, right? I mean, surely you know where to find the biggest continent on the planet.]
[ Yep. Work completely. Because Duke just listed all the continents on the planet as far as he knows... ]
.... Terca Lumireis? [ He has the feeling... no. ]
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