Jul 10, 2011 14:22


[When the feed clicks on, it's a bit hard to make out Rachel from the darkness, but she seems to have gotten a seat where the moonlight illuminates the area best. In front of her is a table with a teapot on top, and for anyone observant enough to notice her chair, it looks lot like that cat umbrella she's always carrying around. In any case though, she sets her teacup down and addresses the Seal.]

The smell of roses, the moonlight shining above us--my, I almost feel at home now. While I'm sure you new arrivals are rather confused, might you join me for a cup of tea? I'm feeling generous today, and while tea is enjoyed well when alone, it is also served better with amiable company. Of course, I extend this invitation to the rest of Splendor as well.

Should you care to join me, I shall be awaiting at the front of Arborn Castle. Until then, I bid you all farewell.


[And just as she said she was, you can find Rachel sitting outside Arborn Castle drinking tea and admiring the moon. Classy bitch is classy guys. Castlemates are free to bother her, as is... well, everyone else!]

[event] eclipse, sync the tempest, rachel alucard

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