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Jun 21, 2011 15:13

[Deep breaths. Deeeeeep breaths. He's been here before to help out with Watson - but this time he has no Nagisa with him and he's not here to just do cat things and derp about (and even that's a little nervewracking at first ( Read more... )

oc: rion lyon

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gonnabareitall June 22 2011, 00:06:34 UTC
[Rise's just propped up on the sofa in her socks and nighshirt being a bum for the day and reading a book when she hears a knock on the door. The other boys aren't here right now so she sets her book down on the couch and hops up to get it herself.

It's probably Rion and Nagisa, since they're really the only ones that ever came to visit. Watson woke up from his nap and plopped off of his usual spot in the chair to follow Rise because he liked playing with Rion and Nagisa as much as they enjoyed it on their end.

In her haste Rise almost trips over Watson but miraculously maintains her balance despite it being a tad slippery on the wooden foyer in her socks.

Watson was twice as easy to trip over with his big, aloof white wings that would randomly allow the cat to take off from the ground at any given moment.

Rise leans on the doorknob a moment before opening it up enthusiastically with a grin.]

Hi~! ♪

[She greets the two--no, one? She peers around Rion.]

Huh, where's Nagisa?

[She asks curiously -- oh man, she hopes that she's ( ... )


derped June 22 2011, 00:50:38 UTC
[Oh -- was he... supposed to always bring her? He thought it'd been like a friendly thing but not a requirement or something (even though there's nothing in what Rise said to indicate that it was a requirement).]

I, um. Just decided to come over, I didn't really ask or anything. Was I-- I supposed to?

[This is the part where he fails to make eye contact and looks a little awkward. At least there's Watson who he can pay attention too, instead; the boy clicks his tongue and extends a hand down to pet the winged cat's head. Watson knows that him and Nagisa coming over means all sorts of attention. :3

There's something he'd like to talk about, and what Rise can't see is that he's trying to mentally rehearse how to say what he wants to say. Both things he wants to ask are a little... daunting, to say the least.]


gonnabareitall June 22 2011, 14:29:18 UTC
[It wasn't mandatory or anything, she's just used to seeing Nagisa with him.]

No, that's fine! [Though it's a little odd for him to come by himself.]

[D'aaw, and Watson's happy to see him too! He's already purring and revelling in the boy's pettings.

Rise smiles at this and opens the door even wider.]

You can come inside if you like?

[It's just her and a sofa and a book and a champagne glass of whipped cream.

Yeah, don't ask.]


a champagne glass. for whipped cream. really, rise. derped June 22 2011, 19:28:06 UTC
[Well, yes, but Rion is ... Rion, and thinks things that are not necessarily true. Or have any basis in reality. At all.

Regardless, he's going to gently pick Watson up and step inside; with just a momentary glance at Rise to ask 'is this okay?', he's going to take a seat on the couch and scratch under Watson's chin. Who's a good winged pain in the ass kitty? You are, Watson. You are!]

Um-- [No, that'd sound dumb, Rion, asking her like that. He's trying to think of something to change the subject to now before she asks him about that.]

...why do you have a champagne glass full of whipped cream? [It's difficult to explain the tone in his 'voice' there, but it's as if halfway through he realized that instead of sounding like a goofy idea (to be fair, it is a goofy idea), that sounds DELICIOUS.



but it's ~classy~ gonnabareitall June 24 2011, 05:33:43 UTC
[Rise let's Rion pick up Watson and get comfortable on the sofa with him. When he inquires about her odd choice of snack she smiles, somewhat amused.]

Oh, that? I think my wishing is getting better -- I actually managed to get what I was going for there.

[She walks over to the couch and takes a seat next to him, tossing one of her pigtails nonchalantly out of her face as she sits.]

So did you want to talk to me about something?

[She's...not dense, Rion.]


that's not how classy works... derped June 24 2011, 05:45:15 UTC
[...after a moment, Rion nods. Of course, he'd like reasons to show up anyway (and given the chance he would show up pretty frequently). He's definitely come here with something on his mind today, though -- Rion's body language is always very expressive and it's kind of difficult for the nervousness to not be obvious.]

I, um.

[One hand goes to the guitar he definitely set down at some point in between the lines in narration. The other is still busy petting Watson.]

Well, did you hear anything about that fair? There's a bunch of people that want to -- put something on like that, and there's supposed to be...

[Pause. Deep breath.]

A talent show. And I was wondering, since, um, you said you could sing, and... um. W-would you. Like to maybe enter it with me and I'm not really sure if we have enough time to practice but I was just thinking it'd be really neat if it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

[Rion seems halfway convinced that she is just going to laugh at him. Again, there's absolutely no reason he should think this; he's ( ... )


fuck yes it is now let's tag this like crazy gonnabareitall June 28 2011, 20:26:02 UTC
[Rise's face lights up at the idea -- they'd talked about something like this before once, hadn't they? This could be their perfect opportunity! Yes!]

Ooh! I'd like that!

[She smiles and leans forward on the sofa, as if she's about to hop off of it, but doesn't.]


[She furrows her brow for a minute as if she'd just thought of something.]

I wish you had your guitar with you so we could practice right now...


>B) derped June 28 2011, 20:36:39 UTC
[Rion did actually bring his guitar with him. The wish sort of works in that... well, it is there.

It waggles a little bit. Rion still looks a little bit awkward, though, as he (very gently) nudges Watson off his lap to pick it up. He's got something else on his mind, and part of him is going 'don't push your luck' but ksljltejslk everyone told him that it wouldn't be that weird.

Pick up the guitar. Focus on that. Don't make eye contact, this will be weird.]

Um, I had another question.


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