the big breath; action

Jun 01, 2011 09:01

[ stalking and shadowing is busywork, and it keeps Alex busy. Splendor is a big place, and it keeps being big and not completely explored ( Read more... )

raki, oc: alexander darkov, firo prochainezo, oc: edel

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apathycary June 1 2011, 23:37:54 UTC
[ If there was anyone Edel did not want to meet out on the streets right now it was Alexander Darkov.

Even as neighbors in the same castle, the two young men kept to themselves after their fateful talk only a few days ago. It was an awkward position, really. Although Edel tried not to think about it much, perhaps it was dangerous for the magician to speak to him. Or see him. Or breathe the same air as he.

Edel had many a sleepless night, too. Just what did this man mean? What was his motivation and intention? The cold sweat that trickled down his neck in the middle of the night made him realize what his greatest fear was.

That skill Alexander had was used for something. To erradicate. To destroy.


...Or someone.

To the point, Edel would not imagine fighting this man. There was no point, could he even defend himself if the situation arose? No, it wasalmost futile. He saw how quick he worked, how clean and how focused Darkov was.

Still, he was here. Whether Edel wanted to speak to him or not was out of his hands, it felt like. His body moved forward ever so curiously. He wanted to talk, but...

... would it only be a talk? ]


mongoosegrin June 1 2011, 23:54:24 UTC
[there's enough distance to keep even familiar strangers out of his mind, especially since there's something so much bigger overwhelming him. utterly, completely. Alex is standing in the presence of something that was only a faraway story and only comparable to the landscapes he's actually seen before.

this is absolutely horrifying and more unsettling than, really, anything that Splendor's thrown at him thusfar, magical anti-violence hijinks and all.

he's frozen, save for the labored panting rocking him, eyes locked on the water, teeth bared and gritted without ferocity or jest. animal caught off-guard and unable to process the situation.]


apathycary June 2 2011, 00:01:41 UTC
[ Oh, great. He was worried over a psycho.

What could Edel do? He stepped closer, perhaps into a dangerous territory for himself, but he was agitated. Annoyed. There was no explanation, no rationalizing, nor reason for what occurred between them.

And yet, now his worry shifted. It was a strange sitaution to be in. Something didn't seem right. Certainly, Alexander wasn't himself.

What was he really like? ]


[ He stood a distance, but Edel looked out at the water. What was going on here? ]

...Darkov, what are you doing?


mongoosegrin June 2 2011, 00:14:28 UTC
[Darkov, Darkov, Darkov...

back to work? Alex suddenly looks dazed, posture melting, blinking fast and looking around very quickly until he finds a human shape to lock on. by the time he does that, it's a little late to catch his balance, so he just goes on sinking, landing hard on his rump in the sand, eyes still fixed.

the recognition is very slow.] Edel.


apathycary June 2 2011, 00:24:20 UTC
[ Against his better judgment, he darts towards Alexander. He has no time to pull out his gloves and- really, that's the least of his worries right now. He stammers but tries to keep his focus. It's one thing to be out on field duty as an alchemist, it's an entirely different scenario to be caught up in something you're not fully aware of. ]

Y-You're not alright, are you?

[ His eyes dart away and back quickly. What was he supposed to do? Well, he was certainly beginning to panic if he got nothing else done at this point! ]

...There's a clinic. Surely we can get you some form of help. I'm sure there's healers there, are you dehydrated? Did you eat something that didn't agree with you?

[ He slowly extends his hand out to the man. Naive, yes. But it's so hard to break habits. ]


mongoosegrin June 2 2011, 00:36:32 UTC
[he barely even bats an eyelash at the fast approach, letting his legs stretch out lazily into the sand. he's hunched to compensate for not propping himself up on his hands (they were laying slack at his sides).

and yeah, he wasn't really listening to any of that concern; instead, he was starting to look back at the water, his mouth tugging a smile on one side.]



apathycary June 2 2011, 04:55:05 UTC
[ Oh, Darkov. What's gotten into you? Edel scrutinizes him closely. Is he in a daze? ]

Something? ...Something what?

[ he sighs breathlessly ]

Come on, it's not that far. I'm sure if you help me we can get you there- to the clinic, alright?


mongoosegrin June 2 2011, 11:45:33 UTC

first he's heard of it. he sounds vaguely amused:] Why?


apathycary June 2 2011, 18:13:14 UTC

[ He looks at him, incredulously! What is *wrong* with you, man? ]

Are you daft? You obviously need to rest, so- so just come with me!


mongoosegrin June 2 2011, 22:15:55 UTC
[heh. weirdo.

Alex smiles wanly, as if he'd just heard a lame joke. and that's all the response Edel gets to that. he turns his gaze back to the ocean, sobered just a bit.]

Does it always do that? Churning...back and forth...


apathycary June 2 2011, 22:24:10 UTC
[ ... He sighs.

Defeated, he sits next to Alexander instead, folding his arms and staring at him like the ludicrous man he is. ]

Fine, have it your way.

[ and he looks out at the waves. ]


[ With a light shrug, he looks away. ] ...I guess?


mongoosegrin June 2 2011, 22:28:14 UTC

[said so matter-of-factly it doesn't really ring as slander.]


apathycary June 2 2011, 23:17:29 UTC
What is wrong with you? [ It needed to be repeated, honestly. ]

If you're ill, you should rest. Prancing around here will only make rumors start. Honestly, I was half afraid you would do something stupid like- I don't know, run into the waves or something.

[ He pauses ]

I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know how to swim. Then I really can't help you.


mongoosegrin June 2 2011, 23:24:34 UTC
[lightly:] You are not half-afraid. [it's the only thing he picks up out of that because DINGDINGDING. swimming is not a thing for him. but he need not elaborate.

he pauses.]

You were right about the first impression, I think. [he closes his eyes and lays back, his one working finger digging at the sand. he exhales.]


apathycary June 2 2011, 23:30:30 UTC
[ He stares at him. Oh, we're back to these games, aren't we? ]

Would it make you feel at ease if I told you I was entirely worried, then?


mongoosegrin June 3 2011, 00:23:50 UTC
[smirking, eyes closed.] Worried about what?


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