[video/action @ metropolis district]

May 30, 2011 16:35

Well, this is certainly a surprise.

[Not without a certain bazooka. Except, five minutes have long passed. There was no sign of Lambo in the park he was currently exploring.

Definitely not the bazooka's doing. Unless it was broken again. In that case, he should find a certain cow-print pajama wearing kid.

For all of those who know a certain failboat ( Read more... )

chrome dokuro (tyl), byakuran, tsunayoshi sawada, oc: tinkerbell, ruca milda, squalo superbi, alaude, mukuro rokudo (tyl), giotto, taiwan, xanxus, daemon spade, reborn, takeshi yamamoto (tyl)

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Re: ACTION cielo_infinito May 30 2011, 08:38:52 UTC
[It's a little disorientating, sorting through memories that aren't quite his own, walking in a body that is both his and not(the X-shaped scar on his back, he recalls in a battle he did not fight), a ring resting on his finger he doesn't remember wearing but is comfortable on his hand nonetheless(and more memories of a red-headed boy/man that he never met in his own world). When he left the machine, he had headed to the forest, in hopes of--well, he really wasn't sure what he hoped, but it wasn't being transported to another world and then being bombarded by memories of another timeline.

And he had been half-hoping to have a little more time to himself before he saw his saw his friend again. Everything he had done had rested on the hopes that their younger selves could fix what they could not, succeed where Tsuna had failed. It didn't make it any easier though, to walk into battle and hurt his friends so much--]

Yamamoto. [he breathes. It had been so long. Not sure whether to laugh or cry. Mukuro had said the same thing, he was about to say. What comes out instead is]

I'm sorry.


ACTION somajorleague May 30 2011, 10:42:42 UTC
[ Yamamoto laughs, because he could forgive anything, even this, and he drags the younger man into a one-armed hug. It's been a long time coming, and he figures that Tsuna being the kind of guy that he is, he would pretty much have had a tough time even making that sort of decision, right? ]

I know. [ And he does, because they are all friends, right? It's not something you can ever break, and even if the other does -- it's always up to you to make sure it can all be mended again.

A hearty clap on the back, and all is forgiven -- he figures, too, that he'd probably be really confused at what is going on, with younger copies of themselves that are still not quite themselves, because you see, they had succeeded, forgiving a brand new alternate world that they could not. ]

Anyone caught you up to speed yet?


reluctant10th May 30 2011, 11:23:11 UTC
[It had been one of the hardest and most agonizing decisions of his life. Had there been any alternative, Tsuna would have taken it. But with everyone being backed into a corner...there really was no other choice.

The tension eases out of his shoulders and he smiles widely, hugging Yamamoto back fiercely -- he missed everyone so much -- before pulling back. He's so, so glad...

He shakes his head]

No, I was talking to Mukuro but--

[It's Mukuro :|]

I think I managed to fill myself in by accident but I'm not sure what I'm missing.


somajorleague June 1 2011, 14:41:32 UTC
[ Mukuro?

Yamamoto knows him well enough that Tsuna doesn't need to elaborate. The man is always an enigma; an all-around interesting chap who keeps his secrets very close to his chest -- and still, a part of the family, no matter what Gokudera vehemently says to the contrary. He nods, hands in his pockets as he steps away now, to look him over better.

It's good to see the Tsuna from his world here and in pretty good shape, all in all, and he laughs. ] Well, what do you need to know?


cielo_infinito June 2 2011, 09:56:07 UTC
[He glances at Yamamoto, making sure his friend didn't have any injuries he might have been hiding. His own look over. He rubs the back of his head as he tries to think of what he needs to know. ]

How does this wishing system usually work? I managed receive the memories of my younger self by an accidental wish, so I know how parts of the city work--I shouldn't really be here, should I? Not without a music box.


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