007 ☆ action / voice

May 16, 2011 02:57

[ So after a rather hilarious argument with his former empire, America wasn't sure how he felt about this place anymore. The paint had finally faded off of him. It was fun for the first day, but it was really wearing on him a few days later. Thankfully enough, England slipped a bit in his speech in during his wishing when they had their fight, and America was able to wish himself back to normal weight since he wasn't using the method of exercise or dieting to recover. (However, it took him awhile to realize this after it took him awhile to get out of the shock of being chubby! He's American!)

In any case, Alfred rolled over one morning to find a bright blue bean next to him. Because eating things you have never seen before is always the best thing to do, he analyzed it, smelled it, licked it, and promptly popped it in his mouth. It was crunchy and weird tasting, nothing like the sweet jellybeans back in his country like he had hoped for. Coughing, along with other "what the hell that didn't taste good at all" noises, he despaired dramatically for a moment and batted at his tongue-- mouth-- that general area.]

OH MY GOD. THAT WAS DISGUSTING. Okay, dude. We're never doing that again. We'll write that down!

[ America said as he rolled over and started to jot down something down on a note pad. His thoughts transferred over the feed as he wrote. ]

Never. Eat. The. Random. How the hell is that spelled. R-A-N-D-U-M. Jellybeans. Because. They taste. Like shit.
Never eat the paint bubbles because they taste like paint.
Fuckkkk. I gotta pee. I'll do that later.
Oh God, what time is it? I wonder if England is awake yet--

[ Creeping out of his bed in his boxers and sporting tousled hair, he put his glasses on and peered out of the window. Smiling, pleased, he puffed up his chest. ]

Today seems like a good day! It feels really, really good about today! Hmmn. Maybe I'll write in my journal today. I haven't been doing that lately. I hardly did last week!

[ With that, the blond shuffled back to his bed and sat on it in Indian style and started to write. Once again, what he was writing transferred over the feed. ]

Dear Journal,
My Heroic Adventures While I'm Kidnapped by Aliens on Some Weird Shit Planet in some Weird Shit World.
Entry: #34
Author's Note and Reminder: Think of a shorter title for this. One that can possibly fit a good movie title.

So it's been sort of an interesting week. That paint has finally come off after a few days, along with my fat crisis.
But I was the hottest rainbow fat guy ever on the planet for the record.
That's over with because England is a retard and can't wish. What a faggot. Don't get me wrong, he can be cool sometimes when he's not being gay or taxing the shit out of people. As in all the wars we've been in-- like I've written in here before-- he's the best support. But enough about England cause I'm still pissed at him.

The other friendships that I've made so far have been pretty fucking sweet if you ask me. Especially that girl with the baseball bat-- she was majorly cute-- I'll have to get in contact with her again. She actually believes my theory! We're going to have to team up together and figure this out! Then I'll get her number and play my cards right because I'm a hero-- and we'll be the bestest of buddies! I don't even remember her name, unfortunately!

Oh, and I ran into Elliot last week too. He apparently forgot me so I was kind of like, what the shit, man. Whatever, dude. He talked about this Game or something, I didn't really understand it, but not because I'm dumb or anything, I was just feeling a /little/ unheroic that day. I was really tempted to yell: YOU JUST LOST THE GAME but I was afraid he was going to punch me if I did that. Maybe we'll hang out again soon.

I don't know if I mentioned, but Bro-- what's his name-- Maddox--Matthew. Matthew! Yeah, he ended up at this place too, which is pretty cool. He's can be a cute bro sometimes-- like cute bros do I reckon, so I was happy to see him. He says he shares his house with GIRLS which I think he's totally lying about. Because really, he shouldn't be getting girls, I should be getting the girls.
Because I'm a ~*~*~*~hero~*~*~*~*~
He says he'll introduce me to them, and they'll praise me like girls do and I'll once more shine more than him! Just like good times.

I figured out the texting on this device. Yeah, it texts. I cannot describe it. Maybe another day.

I also now own my own fuckin' sweet body armor. I met a guy who calls himself Captain Awesome or something, probably cause he's naming himself after me, and he looked like he came out of the Halo video game. I must say, he was impressed by my kickass wishing skills, so. I'm starting to think that maybe this place is run by magic, but I'm still not going to give up my theory of aliens. Not at all! Especially not after making a big deal out of it.

I feel like today is going to be a good day. I ate this weird ass jellybean that sucked, so I'm waiting to see its effects. If it's a threat,I'll be sure to warn everyone else!

Anyhow, I'll close this journal with some more wishes-- yeah, the same ones I always do.
I really miss Japan. I really wish he could get here.
I wish Tony could get here too-- maybe he could help us out with all this alien stuff.
England got here like I wished for, so maybe this can happen too.
But no Communists-- especially no Russia. He's still Communist, I know it.
Because if he gets here, we'll just fight about whose dick is bigger.

[[ italics are thoughts-- this got broad casted over the entire city and he's totally unaware-- so have fun with it. 'u' you've entered america's mind, so be prepared to lose a few brain cells.
aren't you all surprised he actually thinks THIS much? its a lot of work for him-- that's why he doesn't journal write too much. ]]

agent washington, ramona flowers, lina inverse, canada, leonard l church, spain, taiwan, michael j. caboose, america, nagisa furukawa

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