α || 001 || video

May 06, 2011 00:30

[Who has figured out this fucking magic seal business? Yeahhhh that's right, Church has figured out this magic seal business. BOOYA, MOTHERFUCKERS. Have a video feed of a bro in cobalt armour, looking for all the world like the sort of Spartan you'd find in the discount bin at the great Walmart of life.]

Okay, first of all? This whole 'being magically teleported to a new place' horseshit? Really starting to get old. Seriously, the 'divine winds of fate' or exploding nuclear devices or whatever the fuck need a new shtick. Or - better idea - if I'm gonna magically teleport places, how 'bout a secluded island? With- you know, girls, booze, the whole nine yards.

... actually, forget the girls. I'd just take the alcohol at this point. Or, you know what, you can shitcan that too and I'll just go with the island. I'll make my own booze out of, I don't know, acorns or some shit.

[Somebody has no idea how to distill alcohol.]

Oh yeah, and second? Suck it, Wash.

[u mad?

agent new york, leonard l church, michael j. caboose, agent washington, jin kisaragi, agent maine/the meta

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