[In front of the golden entranceway stood a tall, muscular troll, staring idly at the architecture before him. Once the influx of light fully flooded his shades, he hissed under his breath. This wasn’t his hive! Equius Zahhak, sweaty and confused, was somewhere he had never meant to end up. Was she here as well? One could only hope, he mused
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Maybe he has a condition. A condition related to his grey skin and, uh, horns. Chrome doesn't like to be judgmental of other people so she isn't going to be freaked out by this. Ken is her friend and he has fur sometimes, so.]
Are you. Okay?
I... am just in need of a clean towel. Now, I will direct that question right back to you; you look awful.
I - I feel fine.
[Chrome is sort of sickly at times, but that's only because her organs are technically illusions. She feels all right at the moment, though, and she doesn't have any visible injuries besides her missing eye.
Maybe he is saying that she is unattractive. Chrome does not make a habit of looking in the mirror unless she needs to disguise herself somehow. It wouldn't bother her precisely to hear such a thing, although she would wonder if this man was attempting to pick a fight with her.
AT ANY RATE, here is Chrome holding out a clean towel, courtesy of her abilities. ]
Thank you. My name is Equius Zahhak.
[His words are shaking just a bit, but we'll crack that up to his sudden nervousness. He's only just realized that he has no idea where this creature lies on the hemospectrum. Could he have offended a highblood...?]
Might I... ask your place in the hierarchy?
[Aaaand now he's preparing himself for a slap in the face, or worse, might this woman be a highblood that he's spoken out of turn to. Not that he wouldn't happily accept any punishment...]
Bizarre, but she can't ask for details or whether or not he is a mafiosi. It would break omertà, the code of silence. ]
Do you mean to ask... about my social standing?
What I do?
The color of your blood is what I meant.
[He's going to be utterly and visibly embarrassed if she is not a highblood. Why might she be so confused about his question, in any case? It does seem odd. She had neglected to set an immediate boundary of physical limitations nor issue verbal commands upon their first exchanges. Something is afoot, the troll ponders, but he is not quite sure what yet.]
Do you mean metaphorically, or...?
[Chrome honestly has no clue what the hell you are talking about. Is this some sort of code? But what for? It would be rather forward to ask what famiglia she was from at this point, even in a code, so she rather doubts this is what is meant. The color of blood. The color of blood.
The flame?
That might be it? Different sorts of flame have different colors. And one inherits their place on that spectrum, right? Genetically inherits. As in, through the bloodline.
Chrome bites her lip, but decides it can't hurt to try. She holds up her hand and ignites the tips of her fingers with soft mist flames. They glow a sort of hazy indigo.]
Do you mean this?
I m-meant no disrespect, you see, I was merely curious to know my position in terms of yours. And now...
[Way to fuck that up, Equius. At this point, no amount of clean towels could clean his skin of the blue tinted sweat now dotting the ground around his legs.]
You know what. Here is another towel, Equius.]
I'm sorry. I didn't mean you make you, um. Nervous.
[Awkward pause awkward pause.]
I'm Chrome Dokuro.
No, please. It is not my place to ask you to do otherwise.
[Equius looks around with a nervous gaze, awkwardly wrapping himself in all these towels, which are becoming soaked all too quickly.]
May I call you Chrome, then?
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