Ace ♠ {Video Post}

May 01, 2011 03:09

[To some of you this new face on the seal might be familiar. But to many of you it is just another face on the network, nothing out-of-place; especially not the gleefully cunning glint in those sharp eyes before the man's expression levels into a steady glare.]

All relevant individuals, report. Any pertinent information related to this region should ( Read more... )

mukuro rokudo, tsunayoshi sawada, lambo, lampo, kozato enma, squalo superbi, alaude, giotto, mukuro rokudo (tyl), daemon spade, kyouya hibari, takeshi yamamoto (tyl)

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VOICE 1/idek caligisti May 1 2011, 10:12:56 UTC
2/??? idek caligisti May 1 2011, 10:14:20 UTC

Really now. Vongola, is it.


3/??? caligisti May 1 2011, 10:15:35 UTC
I wonder who you are to ask such a thing.


4/5 I think caligisti May 1 2011, 10:16:26 UTC

[ definitely laughing, bitch. ]


5/6 -- I lied caligisti May 1 2011, 10:17:56 UTC

How rude. That is to say.

[ And now there's just this sound like someone tearing something, but what the hell, who knows. ]


6/6 caligisti May 1 2011, 10:18:27 UTC
The least you could do is show your true face.


illussoriamente May 1 2011, 10:29:35 UTC
[He might be impressed... if he wasn't so irritated. Of course, you being his successor he feels a slight tinge of pride.]

You could use a lesson in manners yourself. [Drops the act... only slightly. As if he would be so quick to reveal his true identity.]


caligisti May 1 2011, 10:51:56 UTC

[ That's certainly good to hear. Nothing pleases Mukuro quite like being perceived as worthwhile in the eyes of the scum he intends to eliminate. Which, regardless of your true identity, is probably near enough to the truth. ]

You've nothing to teach me.


illussoriamente May 2 2011, 05:43:08 UTC
[And your unfaltering self-delusions are really quite endearing... to a point. Eventually you will have to accept your own role. Or wait until he eliminates Sawada Tsunayoshi from the equation, either scenario is fine with him.]

Are you so certain? Tell me-- out of us two, which one refuses to show any face at all while holding a conversation?

At least I am courteous enough to provide a face to the voice.


caligisti May 2 2011, 06:02:23 UTC

[ his role as what exactly? Mist Guardian? no, bitch.

we're never accepting that one. alliance of convenience is the only way of putting it. ]

True courtesy would involve minding your proper generation.


illussoriamente May 3 2011, 03:39:17 UTC
[You may continue to tell yourself that if it truly makes you feel better. It isn't like he needs you to accept the Vongola as your famiglia, and all your struggling about to try and deny any connection is amusing to watch.]

My proper generation? Assumptive, aren't you? My concerns involve the entire Vongola family, spanning every generation.


caligisti May 3 2011, 04:24:39 UTC

[ And it isn't like your opinion matters to him either way. Mukuro would be a sad person indeed if the validation of a dead man were necessary to complete his life. ]

Really. Well, aren't you virtuous, to show such caring for others.

My only concerns are my own belongings.

[ Interpret that as you will, given the various possibilities. ]


illussoriamente May 4 2011, 02:19:08 UTC
[What does it matter how he interprets it? Belongings are belongings, whether you're referring to inanimate objects or people.]

Of course, those are my sentiments exactly.

[Because Vongola is his.]


caligisti May 4 2011, 03:59:00 UTC
Then you understand. So long as what's mine is mine alone, I've nothing more to add.

[ -- for now.

and he means it. maybe. what does he care about the larger fate of Vongola? but Mist knows Mist, and as it so happens, Mukuro is rather dubious of his predecessor's abilities in keeping his hands to himself, or not fucking around with Mukuro's own fate, either through intent or incident.

and we can't have that, should his actions begin to go down those directions. for now, however, he's content to wait and gauge the reactions of his would-be "allies" to this new twist. ]


illussoriamente May 7 2011, 01:46:16 UTC
I can't make any promises. Not as long as you continue to associate with the Vongola.

[And he knows that you can't cut your ties so easily, even if you wanted to. It isn't so simple as that. It is never so simple as that. Even if he has little interest in your body anymore the fact remains you and your kind will certainly get caught up in the crossfire.]


caligisti May 9 2011, 12:33:48 UTC

What a tragedy such a denial would be if we did not both recognize the worth of your promises.


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